Lead Software Engineer
O'Fallon, MO 
Posted 4 days ago
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Special Instructions
Send resume to Cody Gray, Cody.Gray@mastercard.com, 2200 Mastercard Blvd, O'Fallon, MO 63368. Reference MC51-2024.
Apply Now
Special Instructions
Send resume to Cody Gray, Cody.Gray@mastercard.com, 2200 Mastercard Blvd, O'Fallon, MO 63368. Reference MC51-2024.
Job Description
Lead Software Engineer @ Mastercard International Incorporated (O'Fallon, MO) F/T Prfrm systms dsign & anlysis, slution dfntion, dvlpmnt, tsting & implmntatn of vrious client-srvr, web-bsd sftwre applctn systm of intrnl Mstrcrd Prdcts & sftwre sltions offrings, intndd to reach & spport billions of crdit card trnsctions per mnth. Prvide database/sftwre mdling wrk & mantnance cvrage for spcific core sftwre applctns. Pstn rqrs a Mstr's dgree or frgn eqvlnt in Applied Comp Scnce, Comp / Elctrcl / Elctrnc / Mchncl / Indstrl Engnrng, Mngmnt Info Systms, Bsnss Admin, or rltd tchncl field & 3 yrs of exprnce in job offrd, or as Sftwre Engnr, IT Engnr, Sftwre Dvlpr, Tchncl Lead, Prgrmmr Anlyst or rltd. Altrntvly, emplyr will accpt a Bchlr's dgree & 6 yrs of prgrssvly rspnsble exprnce. Qlfyng exprnce must include at lst 1 yr with each of the follwing: JAVA/J2EE; SQL; PL/SQL; JSON/XML; ORACLE/MYSQL; SPRING/STRUTS; APACHE TOMCAT/TOMCAT; WINDOWS/LINUX; ECLIPSE; JENKINS OR CI/CD TOOLS; ALM TOOLS; Rate of pay: $138,000.00 - 221,000.00 / year. Emplyr will accpt any suitble combo of eductn, training, or exprnc. Optn to work from hme-basd office exsts. May reside anywhre wthn the United States. Send resume to Cody Gray, Cody.Gray@mastercard.com, 2200 Mastercard Blvd, O'Fallon, MO 63368. Reference MC51-2024.


Apply Now
Special Instructions
Send resume to Cody Gray, Cody.Gray@mastercard.com, 2200 Mastercard Blvd, O'Fallon, MO 63368. Reference MC51-2024.
Job Summary
Mastercard International Incorporated
Employment Term and Type
Regular, Full Time
Required Education
Bachelor's Degree
Required Experience
6+ years
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